
  • 6 pieces of salmon
  • 3 small onions
  • 1 orange
  • 1 oil glass
  • salt
  • potatoes cooked to the steam


To put oil in a container and the onions cut pieces very fine and we let them tone down until they are almost I am transparent. Soon made the lined skin of the orange, it is placed the salmon pieces siperficially, to remove them and to rosar them with the juice of the orange. The container is covered and it leaves about 10 minutes with little fire. One third part of onion retires to adorn it sourcre, and the rest goes through the beater or to the strainer chines, and to poter it to the fire again. To this sauce it is possible to be added several spoons of cream, we are wanted to make it more cream. The salmon in a source is placed, to marinate in with potatoes cooked to the steam, lettuce, weeds and the onion wheels and covered it with the sauce.

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